21 januari 2012

Reading to Learn - mycket intressant

På twitter idag fick jag följande fråga:

Jag har nämnt Reading to Learn förut, bl a i ett inlägg när jag betonade vikten av att lyfta goda exempel, för jag tror verkligen på att detta fungerar och att det är ett sätt som vi kan få allt fler elever att lyckas i den svenska skolan. Reading to Learn bygger på den genrepedagogiska tanken och så här beskrivs detta på Språkforskningsinstitutets sida på Pedagog Stockholm:

Reading to Learn-programmet innehåller en intensivt läs- och skrivecklande pedagogik som utvecklats av Dr David Rose vid University of Sydney, Australien. Pedagogiken innehåller flera undervisningsstrategier som möjliggör för alla elever att utveckla de läs- och skrivkompetenser som krävs för att nå framgång i skolans olika ämnen. Stöttningsstrategierna kan integreras och anpassas till all sorts undervisning och av alla sorters lärare, oavsett ämne och ålder på eleverna. Reading to Learn har utvärderats vetenskapligt i Australien, och i liten skala även i Sverige, och studierna visar på en två till fyra gånger så snabb utvecklingstakt jämfört med vad man kan förvänta sig. De som utvecklas allra mest är de mest lågpresterande eleverna.

Mycket intressant! Två till fyra gånger så snabb utvecklingstakt. Det är en otroligt stor skillnad som kan komma att betyda oerhört mycket för väldigt många elever. Detta var jag tvungen att ta reda på mer om och jag gjorde som Ingeborg Hull tipsade min om, jag klickade mig vidare till readingtolearn.com.au för att läsa mer om Reading to Learn-projektet i Stockholms stad som sex stycken Stockholmsskolor deltog i 2009-2010.

Det var en sann fröjd att läsa lärarkommentarerna om elevernas utveckling:
During the first round of school visits and at the second workshop in December 2009, after approximately 10 weeks of classroom implementation, teachers made these comments about student learning:
• students are enthusiastic and understand more of what they read
• older students work has improved
• improved text organisation
• use of technical language
• recent arrival students are now very active in class
• students’ confidence to approach a new text has increased
• improvements in reading and writingMultilingual Research Institute, Stockholm Education
• enjoyment for students, sentence making strategies successful
• engages weaker students, highlighting focuses them
• reproducing texts engages students
• students beginning to apply the methodology independently
Detta är lärarnas slutkommentarer av elevernas lärande efter avslutat projekt:
In a written survey at the conclusion of the March workshops and in the final workshop in May, teachers observations had become more carefully focussed on the impact of the R2L pedagogy and on student literacy and learning:
• they can penetrate texts better, are interested in texts
• students of all ages are deeply engaged in texts
• they understand structure and begin to consciously construct their texts using phases and stages which they can “name” eg: problem and reaction
• they are producing higher quality texts
• now they are writing well structured texts and achieving well in National Tests
• they are now reading texts with ease, they don’t see the difficulties any more, they just read and write technical vocabulary without any problem
• “good progress” students can be taught by anyone – students who struggle are the challenge for teachers and R2L provides a methodology for these students who are in every classroom and can just be ignored
• students are now implementing the R2L strategies independently
• struggling students have now taken over the classroom from more advanced students
• they concentrate more with R2L as they are occupied and engaged in the learning process
• the achievement gap between the highest and lowest achievers decreases
• students are now more focussed
• they are not left alone to work on projects they are all working with the teachers
• students understand content of subjects better
• they are answering test questions much better
• students may “protest” at first with the new methodology but when they see the results they are engaged
Men det finns också stora förtjänster för lärarna och deras professionella utveckling:
Initial comments in December focused on two issues; insights about literacy pedagogy and the benefits of teacher collaboration:
• now choosing more challenging texts – raising the bar
• now using reading to support students to write new texts
• using the Genre writing cycle to model the type of texts students need to write
• united teachers around the methodology
• preparing and planning together with other teachers
• teacher co-operation; same text in Swedish and Chemistry
Dessutom något mer utvecklade svar efter avslutat projekt:
By the end of the course in May 2010 teachers had become very reflective about their own learning journey and the impact that their use of the Reading to Learn pedagogy had on themselves, their relationships with colleagues and their students:
• Teachers, like students, can struggle at first with this methodology
• Teachers “dare” to use more difficult texts
• Teachers are abandoning textbooks and “finding” better texts ie considering Genre, content and language
• R2L has given teachers a way of analysing texts and motivating students
• Teachers can now use more difficult texts and a wider range of genres eg. not just simple stories in the primary school
• Teacher professionalism and collaboration has given dignity to the project
• The pedagogy “turns teachers minds around” – it is interesting and an ongoing challenge!
• Some teachers previously didn’t have a strategy at all for teaching weaker students – they were just left to fail
• Using more texts now instead of drama and oral activities because reading was too difficult for the students before
• Before R2L teachers didn’t have a methodology to work with texts, students often copied and drew pictures
• Previously teachers just hoped that a lot of reading in general would be enough
• Teachers need to read the texts more closely when planning
• Elaborations take all students understandings to a higher level
• Joint writing is a very important activity
• Other teachers can see the difference between students who are doing R2L and students from other classes who are not
• The R2L cycle gives teachers a structure to follow
• We are now teaching to the weakest students not just the top ones
• We have been able to use the curriculum guidelines and work on Science texts in the Swedish class
• Secondary teachers can spend 20-30 minutes on one key text that will model writing
• Teacher collaboration has increased
• It is better to choose short passages from quality texts for detailed reading rather than rewriting texts to make them easy reading for struggling students
• They had also become conscious of the improvement in learning outcomes for students and articulated their intentions to further improve learning in the coming year by revising plans and choosing more suitable texts.
• Teachers will plan for continuity in future, this year we just had to fit in with was already planned
• Teachers will focus on “core” texts and drop other things – teachers need to be disciplined!
Jag önskar så att jag hade fått chansen att få vara med i detta projekt, få gå den där utbildningen och fått professionell handledning. Tänk om alla lärare, eller åtminstone några från varje skola, skulle få den chansen. Då är jag övertygad om att ännu fler elever i den svenska skolan skulle nå väldigt mycket längre!

Hela rapporten kan du ladda hem som en .pdf-fil och läsa om du är intresserad av att läsa mer. Ännu fler intressanta artiklar finns att läsa på readingtolearn.com.au.

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